Mmmmm.......potato soup! Doesn't that bowl of soup just look SO yummy! That was my lunch today and boy howdy was it DEEEEEELICIOUS!
I've liked potato soup for as long as I can remember. My grandma's was my favorite but now my hubby's mom has me spoiled with a new way to enjoy it.
Grandma's potato soup was always the good ol' fashion way: potatoes, onions, milk, and butter. Add some salt and pepper to it, then enjoy.
Hubby's mom made potato soup one time when we were visiting and now it's about the only way I like my potato soup. She made hers similar to grandma's, only she put in a bit of flour to make it a tad thicker. She also had some great tasting toppings to put on it. This is the way she was served potato soup in a restaurant so she decided to do it at home as well. Man, do those toppings add some flavor!
As you can see in the picture, the toppings include shredded cheese, bacon bits, and green onions along with some salt and pepper. Oh so very yummy! So who's in the mood for potato soup now?
oh have my dining set! :)