Sunday, September 23, 2012

Feeding The Fish, Buffalo, And Elk

Today was a busy day for us. It started out with a trip to the grocery store then hubby got called into work for about 4 hours.

As soon as he got home, he quickly changed clothes and out the door we went. We were meeting a friend and her kids at the marina at one of our local lakes to feed the fish.

After feeding the fish, we headed over to another one of our local lakes to feed the buffalo and elk carrots. I think we all had a lot of fun with this outing and the weather today was PERFECT for it!

Once all of us ran out of carrots at the second lake, we parted ways with our friend and her kids. They headed home to their house and we headed home to our house to meet my mom. She was coming over so my hubby and I could help her with one of her displays for the upcoming craft show she and I have booths for.

I also made one of our favorite meals for supper tonight, shrimp alfredo, made from scratch. Mmm! Mmm! Good! Now we're going to be getting our kids to bed and enjoying the quietness after such a long, busy day. Going to enjoy kicking my feet up and doing some crocheting.

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