Thursday, May 9, 2013

Totally New Thursday Week 19

I nearly forgot it was Thursday which means I nearly forgot to list a new item in our Etsy shop and then blog about it here.

Never fear though! I remembered which means I have a totally new Thursday item this week and that means I am still going strong with one of my New Year's resolutions! Hooray for me!

So for your viewing pleasure the totally new Thursday item this week is another color combo of a dish scrubbie design we've had listed before. Instead of red watermelon dish scrubbies like before, we now also have pink watermelon dish scrubbies available!

Wouldn't they just be perfect to have on your kitchen sink during the spring and summer months! How fun would it be to tell your family and friends you scrub your dishes clean with watermelons? They sure would look at you funny but then you could show them your cute lil' dish scrubbies!

And that is your totally new Thursday item for the 19th week of 2013!

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