I have been wanting and meaning to feature this wonderful woman that is absolutely fantastic for quite some time now. More than fantastic is the heart this particular shop owner has! As any of you who have been following my blog for awhile know, one of my best friends lost her mom to cancer a few months ago. My featured Etsian offered out of the kindness of her heart to make me a sympathy card to give to my friend at no charge. If only the world had more amazing people then it would be a much better place!
I found this to be the most unbelievably unselfish gesture for two reasons:
1.) She only knows me from the forum threads
2.) She did not know my friend at all.
I don't have a picture of the sympathy card she made for my friend but I will tell you it was a very nice, well made card. Be sure to check out her shop for a whole lot of wonderful cards and more! Now go look! Maybe you'll find something you can't live without!
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