Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hawaiian Summer Splash Bash 2011

Every other summer we have a summer party and call it a Hawaiian Summer Splash Bash with the year after it. Well, this year was the third time we had one.

The first one took place in 2007 and we had 43 attend. The second time was in 2009 and we had 49 attend. Yesterday was our third one and we had a HUGE turnout! There we 68 in attendance! Yes, you read that right! 68! Wow! That's a whole lotta people!

We had so much fun! We supplied all the food which was pretty much your basics for a bbq. We also had some fun games to play but the main event was a home made version of The Price Is Right. We even had a big wheel that was nearly 5 feet wide! It was great! We're saving the big wheel to use next time we have a summer party. Way too much time and effort was put forth in making it to only use it once.

Today we had to deal with the aftermath of all those people being here but overall there really wasn't TOO bad of a mess to clean up. My mother-in-law had cleaned the kitchen up for us last night which was absolutely WONDERFUL of her. That saved us SO much work today because there was a lot to clean in the kitchen.

Tomorrow I plan to spend my day relaxing and hanging around the house in my pj's. My feet and back are sore from doing a lot of walking and standing around yesterday. I need a day to just do a whole lotta sitting so me and my crochet hook are gonna hang out together on the couch tomorrow. :-)

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